In Eldor, we are trying to adapt to an ever-changing market. These past months with the outbreak of Covid-19 and the sudden drop in the oil price, have shown us how quickly things can change. In order to be able to meet these changes and overcome them, we have started implementing some new strategies in Eldor.

Eldor is already experts within the fields of alarm management and control systems. Both these fields are related to loop tuning and process optimisation. Eldor is currently developing a new service; Process Optimisation. Process optimisation belongs to the field of process control and combines the disciplines of control engineering and chemical engineering.
This week, as part of establishing the new service, Eldor attended a 2-day course where we focused on PID tuning and how the process dynamics are affecting the parameters, lectured by Finn Haugen (Ph.D). The attendees from Eldor were Dani Espevik, Venkatesh Krishnan, Kurt Aasen, Purna Kiran, Suresh Vuyyuru, and Nandhini Dhanasekar.
Today, it is perfectly possible to make a control system work without providing optimal values, which appears to be widely practiced in our industry. However, this leads to many controllers suffering from poor performance due to lack of fitting parameters. This creates a huge potential for Eldor's brand new process optimisation service. With this new service, Eldor can provide optimised parameters for the PID controller based on the process dynamics, leading to increased production and product quality, along with reduced emissions and energy consumption. This service is something we have already started offering to our clients, both in the UK and in Norway.
On the other hand, Eldor is seeking to expand its customer base beyond the Oil and gas industry with process optimisation, as optimised tuning parameters based on the process dynamics are important for a wide range of industries.